Episode Two: Maureen Seeba

Maureen Seeba is a Houston artist with an international following, having launched her career in the 1980’s , she is a sought after speaker and teacher in the Houston area and beyond. She is a delightful lady with an extremely animated personality that makes her a wonderful speaker and teacher. Currently her work is influenced by beautiful images found in nature, producing lush landscapes. Another very interesting series called “Steel Mosaics” tm ,developed while she was working on a series of artist books and etchings, the pieces are complex and require multiple steps and layers. Seeba wanted to accentuate the layering process in her work while making a painting that could be touched and changed, creating an element of complexity to the work.

“Its an artistic challenge to release control over the works eventual composition, but in doing so, my reward is knowing that the viewers will choose tiles and panels meaniful to themselves. Then they will discover a live painting, one that changes in the light…or with the whim of the collector” –Maureen Seeba.
