This is me looking out of my Winter street studio 18!
I love listening to podcasts, and now I’m doing one!! I’m in an amazing artist community in the Sawyer Yards Arts District, where over 300 art studios exists in Winter Street (mine), Silver St., Summer St., the Silos, and Spring Street buildings, each with a different flavor. I thought highlighting the artists here and in Houston, would be a lot of fun because there is plenty talent here, and the arts and culture in Houston are immense. I had a lot of issues with the tech stuff, but I learned something new, oh well, we’ll see. The audio quality is not so great in parts, but just listen to the content. My first guest is Matt Gantt , he was so generous in telling his story of becoming an artist, and his journey, so listen up and enjoy! Please write me with comments and don’t forget to come visit us every second Saturday 12-5!!